Premiere 17.9.2016, Brno


Sledován, stále na očích
v jiném světě

ve vlastním světle.


Traced – still followed by eyes
in another world
in its own light.

Movement performance in-between theater and civil.

They are already watching. Moments, when my body does not respond naturally and when I start to control myself. Traced. Transformation of space and performer. Still followed by eyes. Already. We are looking for subtle moments when it is nice to be seen, to be watched and
when we seek for a sense of security in the audience. Both the space and performers are transformed from full exposure to maximum theatricality. When does the moment come, when the auditorium is not just a room but also a theater?



  • Viktorie Vášová

Choreography and movement assistance:

  • Alica Minárová

Interpretation and creation:

  • Alica Minárová, Pavla Neuhöferová, Tereza Sikorová

Stage design:

  • Zuzana Sceranková


  • Marie Svobodová

Light design:

  • Tomáš Tušer